Metal Design Systems began design assistance for the Cedar Rapids Federal Courthouse back in 2005, working with the designers to provide the best solution for materials. MDSI created a large scaled mock up of natural copper material per the design intent and kept it outside to view the aging process. After the flood of 2008, the Federal Courthouse project was escalated and an embossed LIC stainless Steel material was selected in a bronze palate, with varying colors of this hue on the overall façade. Our Series 70 was selected because of the superior performance of a pressure equalized rainscreen system as well as the ability to utilize varying materials and adaptability to the radius scope with numerous differing dimensioned panels of the design. The Series 70 panel system covers the front façade, soffit area, column covers, as well as interior panels in champagne metallic ACM. The final finished building meets the design intent with a fully functioning mechanical system, effortlessly installed to the radiused substrate with the use of our Exact+Site 3D™ laser Scan service. The Exact+Site™ 3D laser scan was utilized to scan the building and create a 3D model of the as built conditions. We then laid out exactly where all the Series 70 mullions and pins needed to be placed, saving quite a lot of time in field.
- Federal Courthouse, Cedar Rapids, Iowa OPN Architects
- Federal Courthouse, Cedar Rapids, Iowa OPN Architects
- Federal Courthouse, Cedar Rapids, Iowa OPN Architects
- Federal Courthouse, Cedar Rapids, Iowa OPN Architects
- Federal Courthouse, Cedar Rapids, Iowa OPN Architects
- Cedar Rapids Courthouse, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, OPN Architects
- Cedar Rapids Courthouse, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, OPN Architects
- Cedar Rapids Courthouse, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, OPN Architects
- Cedar Rapids Courthouse, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, OPN Architects
- Cedar Rapids Courthouse, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, OPN Architects
- Cedar Rapids Courthouse, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, OPN Architects
- Cedar Rapids Courthouse, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, OPN Architects
- Cedar Rapids Courthouse, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, OPN Architects